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Intelligent Development Operational Program


European Funds

European Union

Intelligent Development

European Regional Development Fund





SILTEC Sp. z o.o. as part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program submitted an application to the Ministry of Economic Development and received funding for the project: "Purchase of scientific and research equipment for the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Protection". The project is implemented under action 2.1 “ Support for investment in R&D infrastructure of enterprises.

This project concerns the acquisition of scientific and research equipment for the equipment of one of the most modern Electromagnetic Protection Laboratory in Poland. SILTEC company has built a new 8,000 m2 innovation and implementation facility

The facility has created a new research laboratory, which is part of the company's long-term strategy, which is to raise the level of design and research work and creating new solutions in the field of security of ICT devices.

A new research laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art measuring equipment is essential for the development of new, secure ICT and telecommunications equipment in line with EU, NATO and national standards.

The implementation of the project strikes a balance between the effectiveness of the project and the requirements related to alignment with UE horizontal policies on sustainable development, equal opportunities, facilitating access to the latest technological and information solutions and, above all, the absence of negative impacts on the quality of the environment, contributing, through the introduction of pro-environmental factors, to its protection. This project has a positive impact on the principles of sustainable development both at the project stage and after its completion. One of the elements of the project is the design and execution on the roof of the building of a 30 kW photovoltaic installation, which will allow the supply of new facility with electricity. Energy from photovoltaic installations is a renewable energy source and directly contributes to environmental protection by reducing the demand for electricity produced from conventional sources.